CRSP Exam Crash Course Breakdown
The CRSP Exam Crash Course is delivered through videos that cover and break down the most relevant content. Our team has divided the content of the CRSP examination into five primary sections similar to the six sections highlighted in the BCRSP blueprint. These include:
MS - Management Systems
HSM - Health and Safety Management
THSS -Technical, Human, and Social Sciences
EPRF - Ethics, Professional Role, and Function
HRIA & HRCM - Hazard and Risk: Identification, Assessment, Control, and Mitigation.
The only difference between this structure and the one highlighted in the BCRSP blueprint is that it combines “Hazard and Risk Identification and Assessment” with “Hazard and Risk Control and Mitigation”, while the BCRSP keeps them separated. Our Team decided to do this as it was more efficient and straight-forward for candidates to learn. Within each competency, the orders of the sub-sections have also been rearranged to best optimize the flow of information so that the content builds on itself. Taking the “Management Systems” competency as an example, candidates will see that the videos begin with “MS 1” but then jump forward and backwards from different subsections. This is to optimize your studies, making the content more relatable and easy to understand.
After watching each subsection video, you will be given the opportunity to apply your knowledge and understanding by attempting sample questions similar in style and difficulty to what you would see on the exam. You will also be given a sample final exam similar in length and difficulty to what you should expect to see on the official BCRSP CRSP examination.
CRST Exam Crash Course Breakdown
The CRST Exam Crash Course is delivered through videos that cover and break down the most relevant content. Our team has divided the content of the CRST examination into nine primary sections similar to those highlighted in the BCRSP blueprint. These include:
ASF - Applied Safety Fundamentals
FPP - Fire Prevention and Protection
HW - Health and Wellness
LE - Law and Ethics
MS - Management Systems
OH - Occupational Hygiene
RM - Risk Management
Within each competency, the orders of the sub-sections have also been rearranged to best optimize the flow of information so that the content builds on itself. Taking the “Management Systems” competency as an example, candidates will see that the videos begin with “MS 1” but then jump forward and backwards from different subsections. This is to optimize your studies, making the content more relatable and easy to understand.
After watching each subsection video, you will be given the opportunity to apply your knowledge and understanding by attempting sample questions similar in style and difficulty to what you would see on the exam. You will also be given a sample final exam similar in length and difficulty to what you should expect to see on the official BCRSP CRST examination.