Common Questions

  • How many questions are included in this package?

    The CRSP Practice Questions Package includes over 1700 practice questions. These questions are broken down and grouped into 6 specific competency categories highlighted by the BCRSP curriculum.

  • How are the practice questions distributed across the 6 BCRSP competencies?

    The numbers of questions dedicated to each competency vary depending on the degree of significance and likelihood of being tested for on the exam. For example, competencies such as Management Systems (MS) have a greater percentage of the total questions dedicated to them compared to other sections with less content/material.

Other Course Packages

  • $995.00

    $995.00CRSP Crash Course - Full Course Package

    Complete Curriculum Includes: All Video & Lecture Materials, Practice Questions, and Sample Examinations
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  • $250.00

    $250.00CRSP Crash Course - Sample Exam Package

    Includes 230 Practice Questions Similar in Formatting and Difficulty to the BCRSP Examination Questions
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  • $450.00

    $450.00CRSP Crash Course - Video & Lecture Package

    Includes 10+ Hours of Detailed Video Lectures Covering the 6 BCRSP Competencies
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